Year: 2021

Under this category we share articles with you.

abandon poisonous food

Abandon poisonous food.

Lojong slogan 28 is pretty straightforward: abandon poisonous food. Traditionally, the primary teaching on this lojong is about keeping our egos in check. Don’t get so full of yourself that your good deeds become a little too heavy-handed in the self-righteous department, in other words. As…

don't ponder others

Don’t ponder others.

The 26th lojong slogan says, “Don’t ponder others.” Much like the last saying, “Don’t talk about injured limbs,” the wisdom here is about tending to our own stuff and not projecting that stuff onto others. Have you noticed how we can so easily find reasons to…

trust yourself

Trust yourself

The twentieth lojong slogan says, “Of the two witnesses, hold the principle one.” In other words, trust yourself. Here, the two witnesses are you, and other people. Sometimes we base our understanding of ourselves on what other people say about us. Sometimes they’re right. But sometimes,…