All of these experiences have helped me realize that what I care about more than anything is helping people transform, helping people realize they have everything they need to cultivate a fuller and more fulfilling way of being human in the world. That’s the work I want to do here at Soul Ninja. If you’re part of a faith tradition, I hope Soul Ninja will empower you to move more deeply into practicing it. If you’re not, I hope you’ll see and feel that Soul Ninja is for everybody, because at its heart it’s simply about being a better human.
I live in Dallas, Texas with my husband, our two teenagers, and two very cute rescue dogs. In addition to my obsessions with piles of books, yoga, and taekwondo, I also have a deep love for chocolate, tea lattes, and being out in nature. Like Lizzie Bennet, I very much prefer walking. And, just to be clear, I’m not a soul ninja yet. But I want to be.
Thanks for coming by!
Danielle Shroyer
*If spiritual is a loaded word for you, you can also call it the awakened path, or the path of wisdom, or the path toward wholeness.