Author by: Danielle Shroyer

All articles & tips shared by this author

trust yourself

Trust yourself

The twentieth lojong slogan says, “Of the two witnesses, hold the principle one.” In other words, trust yourself. Here, the two witnesses are you, and other people. Sometimes we base our understanding of ourselves on what other people say about us. Sometimes they’re right. But sometimes,…


The Strength of Dedication

The last of the five strengths is the strength of dedication. As a reminder, the seventeenth lojong slogan says, “Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.” You can read about determination, familiarization, reproach, and seed of virtue in my previous posts. Dedication of merit is…

accept your faults

Accept Your Faults

The fourth strength, reproach, is the courage to accept your faults. As a reminder, the seventeenth lojong slogan says, “Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.” The first three strengths are determination, familiarization, and seed of virtue. The fourth is, trickily enough, called reproach. This…

seeds of virtue

Seed of Virtue

Seed of virtue is the third of the five strengths that make up the condensed heart instructions of lojong slogan seventeen. (You can read about the first two, determination and familiarization in my previous posts.) Norman Fischer writes, “Seed of virtue is the recognition of our…

five strengths

Practice the Five Strengths

The seventeeth lojong slogan says, “Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.” These strengths, or forces, as Jamgon Kongtrul calls them, give us everything we need to grow on this path of service and enlightenment. And they’re called heart instructions because that’s where they come…

meeting the unexpected

Meeting the Unexpected

“Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation.” No matter what, life includes meeting the unexpected. We can’t get around life’s little (and big) surprises. And even though this happens to us every day, we often act like it’s a surprising personal affront every time. The 16th…