Author by: Danielle Shroyer

All articles & tips shared by this author

Pray for help

Sometimes, we need to pray for help. The fifteenth lojong slogan mentions four practices that are the best methods. They include accumulating merit, laying down evil deeds, and feeding our ghosts. The final one is to pray for help. More traditionally, we hear it described as…

feed your ghosts

Feed your ghosts

In the four practices, the third is commonly described as, “Feed your ghosts.” As a refresher, we’re still working with the fifteenth lojong slogan, “Four practices are the best of methods.” The first is accumulation of merit and the second is laying down evil deeds. In…

lay down evil deeds

Lay Down Evil Deeds

The fifteenth lojong slogan says, “Four practices are the best of methods.” The first method is accumulating merit. The second is to lay down evil deeds. This one’s pretty obvious. Quite simply, be open to seeing where you may be wrong. And when you realize it,…

confusion as protection

Confusion as protection

Have you ever considered confusion to be a form of protection? Yeah, me neither. But that’s exactly what the fourteenth lojong slogan suggests: Seeing confusion as the four kayas is unsurpassable shunyata protection. And listen, I know what you’re thinking. It is the first week of…