Author by: Danielle Shroyer

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free your reality

Free Your Reality

When you awaken to Right Mindfulness, you free your reality. To be clear, you don’t free reality itself. But you absolutely free yourself from only being able to see your particular version of it. In other words, if we practice Right Mindfulness, some of the places…

object of your thoughts

The Object of Our Thoughts

In the fourth foundation of Right Mindfulness, we watch the object of our thoughts. I know this sounds confusing, because in the third foundation we watch our thoughts. What’s the difference? The fourth foundation is contemplation of phenomena. Phenomena means both our thoughts, and the things…


How you feeling?

In the second foundation of Right Mindfulness, we contemplate how we are feeling. Then we use that feeling “as a springboard for understanding the nature of experience,” according to Bhikkhu Bodhi. And part of that nature of experience is that all feelings pass. They arise, and…

just breathe

Just Breathe

There are four foundations of Right Mindfulness, and the first is contemplation of the body. Quite simply, we begin by learning to just breathe. Obviously, the intention is to practice this in meditation, but it’s a teaching we can do anytime. The great news is we…