Author by: Danielle Shroyer

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aspiration is not achievement

Aspiration is not Achievement

When practicing pranidhana, we can easily slide into achievement-focused success. But aspiration is not achievement. And it’s imperative for us to know the difference. We live in a society where our thirst for achievement can really hinder the spiritual practices we attempt to embody and create.…

aspiration as inspiration

Aspiration as Inspiration

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and…


Introducing Aspiration

The eighth paramita, pranidhana, generally means aspiration. More specifically, it means spiritual aspiration. It is a sense of spiritual resolve or commitment. So pranidhana is often described and lived into through vows and prayers. It makes sense that the Tibetan word for this paramita is monlam,…

barrier skillful means

Barriers to Skillful Means

In Monday’s post, I shared the first four of eight qualities Shantideva lists that prevent us from employing skillful means. They are: confusion, distraction, being too easily influenced by others, and complacency. The next four are: Procrastinating Lacking Discipline to Break Bad Patterns Fearfulness Worldliness Procrastination…