Author by: Danielle Shroyer

All articles & tips shared by this author

don't vacillate

Don’t vacillate.

The 53rd lojong slogan is “Don’t vacillate.” Quite simply, it means being consistent in your practice. You may have noticed, we have a tendency to bounce all around in our commitment. In West Texas parlance, we call this straddling the fence. And everyone knows when you…

don't gloat

Don’t gloat.

Well we’ve finally reached the sixth and final teaching for the 52nd lojong slogan, “Don’t misinterpret.” Which is basically: don’t gloat. But first, let’s review the others. Don’t misinterpret patience by applying it freely in some parts of your life and not to your spiritual practice.…

savor the good

Savor the good.

The 52nd lojong slogan instructs us, “Don’t misinterpret.” This simple slogan has six specific teachings, the first of which is about patience. Pema Chodron explains it as choosing to have patience when we confront challenges. Today, we’re going to discuss the next two. At the heart,…

don't misinterpret

Don’t misinterpret.

The 52nd lojong slogan says, “Don’t misinterpret.” At face value, this means going into a situation with the intention to understand. Actively choose not to be ignorant. Ask questions. Assume you don’t know everything. And don’t allow negativity to skew your understanding. Norman Fischer says, “All…