A true ninja must always distinguish the mask from reality. In other words, a ninja needs to see clearly enough to know when someone is being honest, and when someone is putting on airs. In this way, martial arts shares something in common with playing poker,…
When we faithfully practice aspiration, eventually we arrive at a time when aspiration carries US. There’s something about the aspiration itself that carries us along. It’s as if we tap into something far beyond ourselves. This is great news, because if we had to do aspiration…
Keeping vows is not a one-time thing. Though we may mark our first commitment to a vow, it’s important for us to keep finding moments for aspiration. In our daily lives, how can we remember the vows we’ve taken? One suggestion is to take a moment…
You should not build a camp on the mountain where there is no water. -The Book of Ninja Ninja wisdom says: camp near water. On the literal level, this makes perfect sense, of course. The Book of Ninja says, “Even if you find mountains that…
Tibetan Buddhism reminds us that aspiration is never only personal. We benefit from the aspirational vows others make, too. Which is why aspiration and connection are so closely linked together. In the last post, I shared 3 levels of personal aspiration: outer, inner, and secret. Tibetan…
Lama Surya Das describes three levels of aspiration, or pranidhana. These outer, inner, and secret levels can teach us how to cultivate spiritual aspiration more fully in our lives. The outer, external level of aspiration is behavioral. At this outer level, we recognize the importance of…
Belts are part of every martial arts tradition. While most people know they represent rank and level, they signify so much more than that. Which is why it’s so important to tie your belt evenly. Your belt is supposed to hang evenly on both sides, because…
The Dalai Lama begins every day with this aspiration below, written by Shantideva. It comes from Shantideva’s famous sixth century text, The Way of the Bodhisattva. The Dalai Lama says this prayer gives him strength and enthusiasm to serve the world well. And, of course, that’s…
Here’s something beautiful about aspiration: when we do it right, it brings us such joy! When we desire to grow in a certain way, and when we get motivated and excited about that, it’s so contagious. Aspiration is joy. And joy can fuel and foster…
The Giyoshu Manual from the late 1600’s shares this nugget of ninja wisdom: bring snacks. The ninja were instructed to carry grilled rice in their pockets. This came in handy when they encountered guard dogs along the way. Remember, the best ninja policy is to make…