Spiritual direction is the ancient practice of walking alongside someone as they explore their spiritual path. A spiritual director serves as a companion on your journey by listening, asking questions, and helping you notice where God is present in your circumstances. Some have called spiritual directors “anam cara,” or soul friends.

Spiritual direction is a Christian tradition dating back to the third century. In the last thirty years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the West as people are longing for relational spiritual support and looking for more holistic ways to understand the sacred. While spiritual direction traditionally was offered only to monks and nuns, it is now widely available for everyone. And, while most directors are trained within a particular religious tradition, many see clients from all traditions, or no tradition at all. The goal of spiritual direction is not conversion, but exploration and discovery. It’s about your spiritual path, not the director’s.

Spiritual direction is not a form of therapy or counseling. A good spiritual director will know when to refer a client for psychological support. Spiritual direction is also not life coaching, because there is a distinctly spiritual element to the work. While you don’t have to identify with a specific spiritual tradition necessarily, you do need to be open to the spiritual aspect of life.


People seek spiritual direction for many reasons, including:

  • Seeking clarity about life purpose, vocation, calling, and next steps
  • Wanting to reimagine/reconstruct an understanding of faith after experiencing a shift in beliefs
  • Looking for spiritual support during a time of grief, loss, faith deconstruction, or other major life change
  • Asking big questions about purpose at mid-life
  • Feeling a call to something more or a general sense that something doesn’t feel right or is missing
  • Feeling a sense of emptiness, and longing for spiritual practices that will create a more grounded sense of well-being


Much like my work here through Soul Ninja, my goal in spiritual direction is to help people listen well to their souls, honor the sacredness of this beautiful life, and grow into the people they are meant to be.

I believe we are born with intuition that can be sharpened and honed with attention and practice. Unfortunately, it’s rare that we receive any instruction on how to do so, and often our noisy culture creates endless roadblocks and distractions for listening well to our souls. Spiritual direction can offer insights and tools to bring you home to your soul, so that you are able to discern a meaningful path forward.


While there are no formal guidelines, most spiritual directors undergo a licensing program in spiritual direction. My spiritual director says the telltale sign of a director is when someone asks you to be one! In other words, the most important qualification is that people naturally come to a spiritual director for counsel and advice.

I have spent much of the last twenty years walking alongside people as a spiritual companion, in both Christian and interfaith contexts. I have a Bachelors and a Masters degree in religion, and have studied the scriptures of all five world religions. I spent a decade as a Christian minister, primarily leading a community of faith for people like myself who don’t quite fit in traditional religious molds.

I have personally seen a spiritual director for many years, and she currently serves as my mentor in the Episcopal lineage. Because spiritual direction is such a relational way of knowing, I believe one-on-one mentorship is the most formative way to receive training and education. I am also a graduate of the Haden Institute spiritual direction program and dreamwork program, where I now serve as a mentor. I am a member of Spiritual Directors International, and regularly cultivate ways of learning and connecting with fellow directors. I’m a long-time student of the Enneagram, and have also been trained by my meditation teacher to offer those teachings to others. I use a variety of ancient approaches and modern practices in my work, trusting that what is needed for someone will arise organically.


Sessions are usually an hour long. Most people tend to see their director once a month, though this can be customized. Most also find it helpful to commit to a certain number of months, as spiritual direction is not a process that happens overnight. I find six months a reasonable time frame.

I meet with clients both locally and nationally/internationally via Zoom as well as in person. I also offer retreats, workshops, and lectures on a variety of topics. If you are interested in working with me, please use this contact form.