Buddhist tradition lists four samgraha-vastu, or virtuous attributes, that every bodhisattva using skillful means employs. These methods of guidance show us the way. They are:
Beneficial Speech: Beneficial speech communicates affection. The words intend loving care, or kindness. These words benefit both the hearer and the intention of the speaker. When someone does something good, praise them. When someone experiences fear or anxiety, offer a word of comfort. And when someone does something harmful, offer an example or instruction to do it differently.
Generosity: Being generous means providing for people as they need, and showing up when you are needed. When someone needs financial assistance, offer it. When someone needs encouragement, give it. Generosity means helping people find work that will sustain them. And it means helping others find ways to sustain the world around them.
Altruism: Altruism asks us to see everyone with the eyes of compassion and service. Practicing altruism means being ready to serve, and available to help. It means being willing to relieve suffering by your words and actions.
Helpfulness: Helpfulness means being willing to collaborate for the greater good. It’s cooperation. It means working together and finding common ground. When we’re helpful, we walk forward with our best attempt not to leave anyone behind. Helpfulness also means leading with integrity and serving by example.
While these four attributes are incredibly practical for interpersonal relationships, they are also vastly important for collective social action. Any organization, movement, or institution can employ them with integrity.
The goal of the four attributes is to lead people in the way of the bodhisattva, benefitting all. Or, to put it another way, the goal is to avoid alienating people. When we lead with the intention of serving others, speaking with affection, living generously, and being genuinely helpful, we naturally find that people come and join us in the work. Rather than feeling alienated, they feel invited into something good and life-giving.
Leadership is for everyone. Every single one of you leads somebody sometime. People notice what you do and what you say. You have influence, and you can use that influence for the greater good.
Can you choose one of these four attributes and find one concrete way to put it into use this week?
This post is part of the Paramita Project, where I’m practicing one paramita each month. Read all my posts on skillful means here.